The amount of times that my eyes teared up during this weekend is slightly embarrassing. From the very beginning I've known that the title "event planner" truly does not accurately describe the role that I want to play. It seems as though it doesn't encompass everything that I aspire to bring to this space in my life.

I can plan and plan and plan, think of every scenario that could possibly go wrong and come up with a plan B, C and D. I can write up timelines detailed down to the minute. I can have budget spreadsheets and ticket purchasing statistics.

I can order the flowers and select the menu, press play on the playlist. I can greet you at the door and show you to your room.

But there is a simple magic, not created by me, that dips into the heart and makes you leave with a content smile on your face and a warm feeling in your tummy.

And when you look a little closer at the source, you'll see that it isn't magic at all.

It's the being received exactly as you are, not asked to change before you are welcomed, and being sent away with the unusual feeling that you belong.
The Art of Rest - Women's Retreat January 2024
Venue, Haven: The Meraki
Photography, Event Assistance, Eternal Hype Woman: Margot
Concept, Planning and Management: Niky Miller Events
Design, Speaker, Friend, Wearer of Hearts on Sleaves: Regina Hershberger, Simply Beautiful Spaces
Event Management, Barista, Encourager, Doer of all the Things: Manda Detweiler